pulling-down sacrifice throw
In the Hikikomi-gaeshi (pulling-down sacrifice throw), Tori throws Uke with Sumi-gaeshi and immediately rolls into a hold like Tate-shiho-gatame. His right hand grips Uke’s back or belt from the beginning.
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(pulling-down sacrifice throw)
Technique description
Tori grips the back of uke’s belt with his right hand, drops onto his back, springs uke up with the lower part of his right leg between uke’s thighs, and throws him backward. He can also twist the body in one direction as he drops down to throw uke.
Both sides grapple in right natural posture. Tori takes a right han-mi posture with his waist lowered and, while moving back, draws uke’s upper body downwards. Uke opens his feet, pulls back his waist, and defends with his body slightly bent. Tori grips the back of uke’s belt, reaching over his back with the right hand, and with his forearm placed along uke’s back, he puts his right armpit on uke’s right shoulder and pulls with both hands.
Tori inserts his left hand through uke’s right armpit and holds uke’s shoulder blade. He then pulls and tightens with both hands and controls uke by making him lean forward. Tori steps his left foot deep between uke’s feet and, supporting his body weight, places the lower end of his right leg (shin) between uke’s thighs while dropping onto his back and springing up with the leg. He pulls down sharply with both hands so that uke is thrown over his head.
The success of this technique depends upon whether tori can control uke’s body by gripping the back of his belt. Tori pulls the back of uke’s belt and puts his right armpit against uke’s right shoulder, so that uke’s head sticks out from his right armpit. It is more effective to execute the upwards springing action with the lower end of the right leg between uke’s thighs, rather than on the inside of his left thigh.
Tori combines the force from dropping down with maintaining firmness in the pulling action of both hands to complete the technique. Tori can also drop down while gripping uke’s right sleeve, but the pulling action will not be sufficient.