back throw
In the Ura-nage (back throw), Uke is lifted from Tori’s low Jigotai position and thrown in a high arc over Tori’s left shoulder backward, while Tori himself falls straight backward onto his back.
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5. Dai Gokyo
(back throw)
Technique description
Tori holds uke’s waist from his right side with the left arm, and, pulling with the right hand, lifts him up, then he drops down onto his back and throws uke over his left shoulder.
Both sides grapple in right natural posture. Uke moves back and pulls tori out. At the moment uke steps forward with his right foot, he executes hane-goshi. Tori responds to uke’s hane-goshi by lowering his waist. He steps his left foot towards uke’s rear, puts his left arm deep around the back of uke’s waist, along his belt, and holds him completely. He puts the front of his waist on uke’s right buttock, and draws uke’s upper body tight against the right side of his chest with his right hand, and, while defending, lifts uke towards the rear and breaks his balance.
Tori straightens both legs and thrusts the front of his waist forward while bending back. In one breath, he pulls uke up high with momentum, drops down onto his back, and throws uke in a large motion over his left shoulder. Uke is thrown in a large rotation in the right front corner towards tori’s left shoulder.