

side separation

In Yoko-wakare (side separation), Tori falls to the side in front of Uke and pulls them in an arc over himself to the ground.

  • Tori lifts Uke upwards with both hands
  • Tori slides with his extended body in front of Uke's legs and throws Uke across himself
  • Tori lets his falling body weight act as a throwing impulse on Uke through his hands
  • Tori controls the execution of the throw (Kake) until Uke is on the ground, securing their fall



(side separation)

Technique description

Tori lifts uke to the right front corner or straight forward, breaks his balance, steps both feet in to the side of uke’s right foot, turns to the left side, and drops down onto his back to throw uke.


Both sides grapple in right natural posture. Tori steps back with the right foot, then the left foot, and then the right foot again. While taking a left defensive posture, he pulls uke’s body down. Uke steps forward with his left foot, then his right foot, and then his left foot again, holds his ground, and then begins to return to a stable posture.


At this moment, tori lessens the pulling action of both hands so that, while straightening up, uke begins to step back with his left foot. In time with uke raising his left foot off the mat, tori lowers his waist, steps his right foot to the side of uke’s right foot, lifts and pulls with the right hand, pulls diagonally down towards the left with the left hand, and lifts and breaks uke’s balance towards his right front corner. Uke is unable to transfer his weight onto the left foot and it lifts up off the mat. His weight falls over the tip of his right foot, and his balance breaks in a straight and rigid posture.


At that moment, while maintaining firmness in the action of his hands, tori steps in with his left foot so that it is lined up with the right foot. He bends back and, while leaning backward, lifts uke even further to the right front corner with both hands to complete the tsukuri. At the same time, he opens his left leg towards the left and, while facing towards the left, twists to the left and drops down. Tori should synchronize the action of both hands in a sharp movement and throw uke towards the left shoulder, by drawing the left hand in a circular shape and pulling towards the left side of his own chest.


Uke is thrown forward from tori’s right hip and over the left shoulder in a large rotating movement.

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